When introducing our young learners who are blind to new learning through song, books and play, we need to understand what their real life experiences are. It is through this that concepts and language become meaningful. When Tobi was introduced to… Read more
In-Service workshops for Teachers, Teacher Aides and Early Support Workers around supporting ākonga who are Blind or have Low Vision
BLENNZ Whangarei was excited to offer our first In-Service Workshops for teachers, teacher aides and early support workers around supporting ākonga who are Blind or have Low Vision. Each workshop ran for one day with… Read more
BLENNZ Christchurch – Developing Social Skills
Students from Christchurch have been involved in various ‘Social Skills’ based activities this year. A group of students who have low vision from BLENNZ participated in the event “Mural Madness… Read more
BLENNZ Napier – Developing Life Skills
Six-year-old Jordan attended the ‘I Can Do It’ Immersion Course for Braille Learners aged 5 – 8. This has been a highlight and talking point for Jordan as she recalls… Read more