This year the DOM team completed the BELS training over two sessions based at Homai in Auckland. This was such a great opportunity for our DOM team to come together… Read more
Early childhood
Palmerston North VRC Little Dots whānau group
The focus of the Little Dots group is to provide a place where our ākonga and their whānau can come together to connect with each other and to participate in… Read more
Accessing Kia Roha Sensory room
BLENNZ RTVs have been making use of the sensory room as a place to give early childhood ākonga new experiences and a chance for whānau to meet and get to… Read more
BEL’s Tamariki course
The BELS team organised an immersion course for tamariki with low vision from three to five years. A cooking activity was offered using the process method. This is an interactive… Read more
In-service day at Dunedin Visual Resource Centre
We were thrilled to hold an in-service in March for teachers and teacher aides from primary and secondary schools throughout the Otago region. It was well attended with twenty participants,… Read more
NAS – Functional Sensory Assessment
As a part of a National Assessment Service (NAS) visit to Dunedin, Reid undertook a functional sensory assessment that included assessing his listening skills and comprehension, as well as his… Read more
BELS Professional Education Programmes
BELS held two Professional Education Programmes this year for kaiako who support early childhood ākonga and their whānau. The focus for 101 in June was whānau centred practice, and 201… Read more
BLENNZ Christchurch Whānau Group
Our Whānau group is a planned session usually run fortnightly at the CVRC to suit ākonga and whānau interests and needs. Whānau voice is important and over the year we… Read more
Education Programmes delivered by the BEL’s team
The BELS team conducted two professional education programmes in 2021 specifically for RTV working with early childhood ākonga. 101 in June for 14 RTV covered topics that supported philosophy of… Read more
Real and meaningful experiences
When introducing our young learners who are blind to new learning through song, books and play, we need to understand what their real life experiences are. It is through this that concepts and language become meaningful. When Tobi was introduced to… Read more