When introducing our young learners who are blind to new learning through song, books and play, we need to understand what their real life experiences are. It is through this that concepts and language become meaningful. When Tobi was introduced to… Read more
Resource Teacher Vision
Taranaki Visual Resource Centre staffing and problem solving
Tara Lisney was appointed as a full-time fixed term RTV and quickly settled into her role developing warm, professional relationships with her ākonga and whānau. In Term 3, we regretfully… Read more
DOM Supporter courses – upskilling RTVs
This year BLENNZ has prioritised achieving 50% of all Resource Teachers Vision to have completed at least 1 of the Developmental Orientation and Mobility (DOM) supporter courses, run as a… Read more
Curriculum Days – Identifying goals and capturing student voice
This year BLENNZ Northland have been running three curriculum days each term. These consist of a Low Vision Group (primary and intermediate), Braille Club (primary) and a Braille Secondary Schools… Read more
BLENNZ Taranaki welcomes their new manager, Kay Hood
It is always exciting to get groups of BLENNZ learners together to work on BLENNZ Curriculum skills. Groups of learners came into BLENNZ Taranaki for an Art day and a… Read more
Connecting learners at an early age
For quite a number of years we have seen the value of connecting learners through attendance at Immersion Courses. Learning opportunities stand beside opportunities to make friends.
Diamond learns to swim – BLENNZ Palmerston North
Diamond is a 71/2 year old learner who is blind. Diamond’s motivation to swim has been used to increase his engagement and learning outcomes.
Evolving Self Advocacy – Gaining confidence to talk about vision loss
Jessica has gained confidence in talking about her visual needs. In Term Two her teacher and teacher aide attended a BLENNZ Southland in-service where, while under simulated vision loss, they participated in a variety of activities including sandwich making, pouring a drink, completing a worksheet and playing small ball games.
BLENNZ learner numbers increase in Northland
As the BLENNZ learner number has increased in Northland so has the number of Resource Teachers: Vision. In February, Hera McNeill joined Kate Mabbett, Sue Fletcher and Louise Pyne. To… Read more
Orientation and Mobility in Action – Team Collaboration
Last year one of our teachers, Will Pike, completed his Massey DOM Community Supporters Certificate. As part of team collaboration with Mel Harvey, Will works with Nikki, a secondary school… Read more