Auckland going into lockdown became the catalyst for us examining what we could offer locally for our ākonga who were due to attend immersion. We were fortunate to secure the services of specialists in Activities of Daily Living, Music,… Read more
Expanded Core Curriculum
Real and meaningful experiences
When introducing our young learners who are blind to new learning through song, books and play, we need to understand what their real life experiences are. It is through this that concepts and language become meaningful. When Tobi was introduced to… Read more
Student visit to the National Assessment Team ADL session
Joshua, his parents, and RTV attended an ADL session as part of his National Assessment. He has low vision and sensory loss in both upper and lower limbs. Joshua participated in a series of… Read more
Being prepared for change
Our work load changed in the year of Covid -19 and our delivery evolved. Remote learning provision became a priority. Making connections via Zoom and messaging become the order of the day. Appropriate devices and parental help… Read more
Tactile graphics student
The BLENNZ Pedagogy of Tactile Graphics has been implemented with Amiria from a very young age. Our aim has been to scaffold her learning so that she is be able to interpret… Read more
Outcomes from DOM discussion
A highlight for BLENNZ DOM in 2020, was the inclusion of the service in the Lower North Island MOE Property Team meeting in May. Members of the BLENNZ team, Central Region Managers from Taranaki… Read more
Braille literacy and braille skills
This year in Tauranga we have had a big push on our braille skills and teaching braille literacy. We have four staff members who have completed the BANZAT Transcribers exam over… Read more
Communication techniques during Lockdown
During the Lockdown and across Term 2, our team at BLENNZ Tūranga-nui-a Kiwa/Gisborne Visual Resource Centre thought of innovative ways to communicate with schools, ākonga, whānau and each other, improving our digital skills along the way. Some examples of… Read more
Goalball session with learner’s class
In the last week of term 2, two BLENNZ learners and their classes from Glen Eden Intermediate experienced a goalball session facilitated by Casey from Blind Sport NZ. Both classes prepared for the session by… Read more
Teaming with DOM
RTV supported the DOM initiated programme by implementing and practising the use of strategies for safe navigation of the school environment with the learner using all of his sensory skills. The learning goal for this student is for the development of purposeful and… Read more