Change to hand over date
We unfortunately have a 7 week delay from the original handover date of 11 July due to a series of events beyond the control of Hawkins.
The delay has set up a whole raft of challenges. The greatest challenge is now moving the learners into new environments without the safety net of the term break, and simultaneously demolishing the old block directly in front of the new classrooms in a way that has the least disruption.
Barbara Whitley is coordinating the move and has had to go back to the drawing board with her relocation plan. My thanks to Barbara for her calm and logical approach to sorting this out and to everyone who is working with her on the move.
New signage and graphics
We are currently working with Reuben Woods from Woods Creative on the signage and graphics for the new buildings. Reuben has come up with graphic designs based on the concepts that Brian Emery developed which are grounded in the local Maori history of the area. The designs are very exciting.
We are also working with our consultant Jane Moore from the RNZFB, to ensure that they all meet our requirements in terms of visual and tactual suitability for our children and young people. To depict the national network, in pride of place behind the reception desk, will be a map of Aotearoa New Zealand made out of very modern coloured acrylic rods showing all of the Visual Resource Centres.
We are also fortunate to have secured the services of a Maori carver who is carving 6 panels, one for each of the 6 classrooms, which will sit to one side the doorway. There will also be a panel for the Early Childhood Centre and entrance panels at the front door.
Jane Wells – Principal
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