To help you keep up to date with what is happening with COVID-19 here is the latest information.
Here you will find a range of information including:
- News and media updates,
- Health advice for the public,
- information for specific audiences,
- Information in different languages,
- Resources.
Here you can find a variety of information including:
- Symptoms, prevention and what to do,
- Travel restrictions and visa infromation,
- Advice for early learning services/kōhanga reo,
- advice for schools/kura,
- Advice for tertiary institutes/whare wānanga,
- Advice for students, parent, whānau.
There is also good video clip from Nanogirl that will help your children to better understand the virus
You may have also seen the Prime Minister sat down with Dr Michelle Dickinson (aka Nanogirl) and the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Juliet Gerrard, to talk about coronavirus:
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