Ela and her whānau live in Te Upoko-o-te-ika-a-Māui or the Wellington area. Ela experiences congenital dual sensory loss or congenital deafblindness. She uses a combination of vision and hearing strategies… Read more
Learner stories
Using tactile techniques to learn about Automotive Engineering
At BLENNZ Palmerston North we are all about supporting ākonga to follow their dreams and interests – even when that involves thinking well outside the square. Darcy, a Year 13… Read more
BLENNZ Auckland North Sports Day for Primary and Intermediate Ākonga
On May 7th, we held a Sports day for BLENNZ primary and intermediate aged learners. 18 learners attended. It was held at the PHAB Building in Takapuna. Out on the… Read more
Making friends with people my age at Immersion Courses
A learner’s voice…..an extract from her school speech. I’ve been told that my eyes twitch a lot, but I don’t notice it. This causes headaches and visual fatigue. I sit… Read more
BLENNZ Southland – Cool Cane Kids!
Kay Daly has been sharing cane tips and skills with staff and students. Each student has a different emphasis in his or her cane work. One is learning how to negotiate… Read more
Curriculum Days – Identifying goals and capturing student voice
This year BLENNZ Northland have been running three curriculum days each term. These consist of a Low Vision Group (primary and intermediate), Braille Club (primary) and a Braille Secondary Schools… Read more
A busy 2018 for Immersion and a big welcome to Nic Holloway!
The Immersion Service has started the year well. Five of six courses were successfully completed, one ECE course was not undertaken because of staff changes. The courses included Braille Maths… Read more
Curriculum Day opportunity for ākonga practise life skills
Our Curriculum Day was an opportunity for our blind and low vision ākonga to get together and practise some life skills, whilst having fun in the process. Amongst the many… Read more
Homai Early Childhood Centre develop their own darkroom
The development of the darkroom has been a long term project, supported through fundraising and donations from past and present BLENNZ, HECC whānau. This year the addition of coloured LED… Read more
BLENNZ Taranaki welcomes their new manager, Kay Hood
It is always exciting to get groups of BLENNZ learners together to work on BLENNZ Curriculum skills. Groups of learners came into BLENNZ Taranaki for an Art day and a… Read more