To enable ākonga and whānau who identify as Māori to be successful, our Tairawhiti team need to be comfortable with tikanga Māori, including greetings, introductions, karakia, waiata and basic Te Reo Māori in a variety of settings.
Our centre focus for 2015 has been “To build knowledge and use of Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori in our centre and throughout BLENNZ.”
We have ensured that karakia, waiata and Tikanga Māori are a part of all meetings and everyone learnt and practised their Pepeha which was filmed by Karen Gilligan.
Kelly Doyle, presented at National Regional Days to share aspects of Te Reo Tikanga Māori and Pepeha and provided tools for staff to participate appropriately in Tikanga Māori settings.
Our team feel privileged to be living and working in Tairawhiti and to have the whānau support that we do.
Ma pango, ma whero, ka oti te mahi (many hands make light work).
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