2013 has been a whirlwind of implementation for the new BLENNZ Developmental Orientation & Mobility (DOM) Service. February saw my appointment as the Co-ordinator for the service followed by the appointment of a further 5 DOM Specialists to the service, over the year. Figure 1 shows the team as of end 2013: Steve, Jayne, Magda, Nicola, Kay, and Jennifer.
As well as recruiting, the service has been evolving and trialling processes and approaches. We have all had to look at our past practice and reflect on how we can better that practice and mold it to meet the BLENNZ ‘teaming’ O&M approach and model.
It has been, so far, an exciting journey, with an enthusiastic team both within the DOM Service and within BLENNZ as a whole. The question of just how can we embrace this new arm of BLENNZ has been answered positively by all BLENNZ staff.
I have to say, as we enter the very busy end of year time of students transitioning to new schools and classes, I have a feeling of pride as the DOM team, and BLENNZ as a whole, are stepping up and dealing with the growing referrals – a result, in itself, that reflects the faith in the new service and the few challenges a fledgling service brings with it. I look forward to the next stage in the service development alongside the BLENNZ team, in 2014.
Kay Daly
Coordinator Developmental Orientation & Mobility Services
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