Sharing abacus skills
An abacus continues to be an invaluable tool for many children who are blind, as learning about number placement and calculations can be done by touch.
Online songs, stories and activities for young children
This is a link to Caspar Babypants YouTube channel. Caspar makes music for young children and their parents that is simple fantastical stories and sing along songs to enjoy at home and in the car.
The Vision Book
The Vision Book: My Child, Our Journey – Te Puka Moemoeā: Tōku Tamaiti, Tō Tātou Huarahi is a new book for parents, caregivers, families and whānau of children and young people who are blind, deafblind or have low vision.
Sonokids Ballyland™ resource for PC and Mac computers is a game for all children, including children with special needs. The design specifically supports playful learning by children who are blind or have low vision.