BLENNZ Resource Teachers: Vision and Developmental Orientation and Mobility Instructors work closely with classroom teachers and specialists in educational settings around New Zealand to support children from birth to 21 years of age. We ensure that families and teaching teams remain up to date with accurate, information which supports educational planning and school placement.
If you are a trained teacher and think that becoming a Resource Teacher: Vision sounds like something you would be interested in, you can find out more about what is involved in the training by visiting the information page for Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching (Blind and Low Vision) – Massey University website.
This is a space for educators and specialists to find resources that could be used in educational settings. If you are working with ākonga who are blind, deafblind or have low vision this is the place to find ideas that could help in classroom and early childhood settings.
For more information about what is involved in being a Resource Teacher: Vision read Working in Special Education – Resource Teacher: Vision.