Connecting and Belonging on the Transition Path to the Big Wide World – Te Ara Ki Te Ao Nui
Te Piko o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau. The way in which the young seedling is nurtured determines how the tree will grow. Awhi mai awhi atu. What you put in you get back.
We will walk alongside you and your whānau on your transition pathway in ways that you want it to happen with options and choices all the way along the journey based on your feedback.
Some feedback we have gathered so far is:
Whānau wanted
- Develop connections
- Create networks
- Provide Information
- Pre-transition skills
Ākonga wanted
- Independence
- Choices
- Experiences and Opportunities
- Risk Taking
- Making connections
- Self Advocacy
- Making Decisions about transition
Possible Support Options
Based on your feedback, we are looking at providing transition pathway support in a variety of ways;
- The IEP process with your whānau and you working together with a small team who you are already connected to and know you, for example – RTV, Teacher, MOE and others in the educational team.
- Immersion courses for ākonga with a specific focus – eg preparing you for tertiary, or moving out of home.
- Immersion courses for ākonga and whānau together with a specific focus on your transition pathway skills eg Homai Campus residence opportunities.
- Bringing you and whānau together to kōrero kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) in relaxed evironments to meet and connect with other whānau and ākonga on the transition pathway while having fun eg Sports days or recreation activities.
- Structured day sessionsof sharing information for a consistent group of ākonga and whānau and inviting opportunities to network with agencies and services who can provide information and answer questions.These will be run at strategic sessions around the network. We would like to meet one day a term in order to establish and maintain connections (whanaugatanga). We would offer this opportunity to ākonga and whānau who are 15 – 18 year olds or who are currently on the transition pathway.
If we were to put together sharing and learning sessions for a day each term for both ākonga and whānau to attend…Would you be interested in a day like this? What would you imagine a day like this will be like? What would we be doing?
Day 1
Day 1 is getting to know each other and having a practical day with whānau and ākonga to build relationships with others on then transition journey pepeha. Some activities will cater for ākonga and whānau seperately. There will then be a chance to share and work out how we will keep our roopu connects maintained until we meet the next time
Day 2
Day 2 is about bringing others who have been on the transition journey and their experiences. There will be simultaneus opportunity for whānau and ākonga to share with others who have completed or are on teh journey to share stories. Time to ask questions.Who would you like to
Day 3
Day 3 is about brief practical sessions(include professional partners BF, DOM, ADL, KM Transition co-ordinators etc),
Day 4
Day 4 would be community outing together to celebrate the transition journey and to do something fun with ākonga and whānau.
After hearing about what we are able to offer, what are some of the other ways you can think of that BLENNZ could walk beside you in your transition journey?