Homai Early Childhood Centre has a termly booking with Ambulance Officer Sue to learn more about the people who help us in our community. She brings ‘Amby’ a model ambulance and real equipment to explore.
In August a real St John Ambulance came too. We had direct contact with the first aid equipment we are familiar with and used all our senses to explore, both inside and outside the Ambulance, comparing it with Amby and our small models. In figure 1 ākonga experience the real ambulance.
We have been utilising our 3D printer to create models to support learning and storytelling throughout our programme, e.g., the 3 bears story was enhanced with chairs, beds and a table, all produced on the 3D printer.
Aisha and her mother played together, creatively retelling the story. In figure 2 Aisha and her mother play together. The printer assists us to create unique resources to enable ākonga to access the curriculum. In figure 3 Aisha sits on the floor with the storytelling models and other props.
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